A dirty protest is where a prisoner has chosen to defecate or urinate in a cell without using the facilities provided. Blood or other body fluids may also be present. In the majority of cases the walls, floor or ceiling are affected. Cleaning cells following dirty protests will expose members of staff or other prisoners to a number of dangers including biological hazards.
Our technicians are trained in dealing with bio hazardous and sharps waste. They will conduct a risk assessment prior to commencing work and adhere to all Health and Safety regulations when cleaning cells.
Bodily fluids such as blood, urine, faeces and vomit present the risk of exposure to diseases such as:
If sharps such as needles and syringes are found, they need to be reported and a trained individual will be required to remove them. Once the sharps have been removed, we would disinfect the area to ensure all biohazards are eradicated.
Read more on sharps removal and the dangers.